Patient Portal

  • Couple on Psychotherapy

Your Treatment Resources in One Convenient Location

Patient Portal
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Ways to Maximize the Portal Benefits

Online Scheduling

Obtain peace of mind with the ability to request, cancel, and reschedule appointments at any time without needing to call the office. You can easily view when clinicians are available, request appointment times, and manage their upcoming schedule.

Paperless Intakes & Assessments

View shared handouts, agreements, and homework; Permits you to electronically sign, or complete and send back assignments. 

Securely Share Health Data

Psychological intervention is a science, and any good science collects data. Be empowered to track your progress, review trends, and see proof of the changes you're making in therapy.

A Safe Communication Hub

Although emails to the official address are HIPAA compliant, few electronic modes of communication are as secure as a custom, multi-factor authorized portal. Be confident that your message reached your provider, and only your provider. 

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